Thursday, July 14, 2011

All about Sage

So I decided to interview each one of my siblings.The answers are EXACTLY what they said so beware! If ya wanna learn about Sage then here ya go.

Q: Whats your favorite color?
A: Hot pink with, actually white and green, black and green and aqua and teal blue.

Q: Whats your favorite movie? Why?
A: Stitchie! And Tangled. (Stitch as in Lilo and Stitch)

Q: Whats your favorite food?
A: The shrimp that's yellow and has green spots on it. 

Q: If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be? Why?
A:  A baby cub no uh lion cub no a jaguar cub! Cause they are so cute on Diego.

Q: Whats your favorite thing about yourself?
A: Cause I like having black hair. By the way Makenna, I tooted.

Q: What are you really good at?
A: Doing gymnastics competitions.

Q: What are you afraid of?
A: Fireworks, cause they are real loud.

Q: Whats your favorite season?
A: Winter cause its so cold and I don't have to sweat all the time.

Q: How old are all your siblings?
A: Makenna is 13. Sawyer is 10. Malaine is uh 8. Mavery's 5 and Sage is 5. (She did say her own name.)

Q: Where were you born?
A: China but I never knew China words cause I was a baby.

Q: What do you wanna be when you grow up?
A: Mail girl a mail person.

Q: How tall are you?
A: 3 foot cause I can touch in 3 foot water at the pool.

Q: Describe your family.....
A: My mommy lets us go to Monkey Joes and daddy lets us have snow cones.
Makenna lets us play with her on her ipod, Sawyer lets us play the wii.
Malaine we share a room, but I can only go on 1/2 of it but she does let me sleep in her bunk bed sometimes. Mavery, me and her share all of our toys and that's all.

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