Friday, July 12, 2013

High and Low

So sometimes during devotions we do this thing called "high and low" where we have to name our high of the day and our low of the day. Last night we had to do our high and low over the entire week. But i couldn't just pick one for each! So i thought i would name a few.

- gracie and taylor saying they remember me from last year
-Mikey pointing at me and telling Steve he knows i came last year
- Gracie giving me such a big hug that we fell over
- having a tickle war with Dennis and pretending we were karate masters
- seeing so much improvement in the entire orphanage
- having a sword fight with balloon swords with Taylor
- playing rock, paper, scissors with a little girl who is known as a trouble maker
- hanging out with my entire team and all the friendships I've formed
- watching Drew, a little boy who drools ALL the time, blow bubbles and blow slobber everywhere, making everyone crack up laughing
- Taylor calling me "Shannon" instead of "Kenna" just to annoy me
- coming in one day and finding out one of the girls was gone cause she got adopted
- making dumplings with the nannies
- going to the church with the kids
- seeing the directer get tears in her eyes talking about us
- seeing how much the nannies love the kids
- seeing the friendship between two four year old girls named Lina and Dora
- watching one of the "mean" girls protect another little girl from being hit by a kid
- knowing that God loves every single one of these kids and is watching over every single one of them

- some of the conditions the kids are in
- hearing that one of the sick babies from last year died
- watching a little boy grab a little girls ankles and pull her off a bench slamming her head against the concrete floor and her not even flinching
- loosing our luggage and not having some of the donations
- hearing some of the kids back stories
- looking around at a room full of kids that i know most of them will never have a mommy or daddy
- watching some of the stronger kids pick on the little weak ones
- hopelessness
- knowing i have to leave tomorrow
- knowing some of these kids will be here for there entire lives

Well theres a lot more but there is just a few. Im glad theres more highs then lows.

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